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3256 Warren Road Cleveland, Ohio 44111
St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral
A parish of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America

Culture and Romanian Ethnic Art Museum

Museum Visitation By Appointment
Fr. Remus Grama

Our parish follows the teachings of the Holy Orthodox Church, established by our Lord Jesus Christ and defined by the 7 Ecumenical Councils. Founded in 1904, by Romanian Orthodox immigrants, St. Mary's first church building was located on Detroit Ave. The present building was consecrated in 1960. The complex also includes a school and social hall. We are also proud to house the "Romanian Ethnic Art Museum" (REAM). The museum may be visited by appointment.Visitors and new members are always welcome at St. Mary's

Throughout her 100 years of existence, our parish has also become a true “cultural center” for the Romanian American Community. Many historical and artistic values make St. Mary’s truly unique. One of the few parishes endowed with a valuable collection of ethnic costumes and an art gallery, St. Mary’s gathers many visitors throughout the year. Part of our musuem collection has been leased to the Romanian Ethnic Art Museum.

The parish still manages others, such as the beautiful statues, mosaics and historical freeze dipicting the 2000 year history of Romania.All members are invited to treasure and preserve our heritage and help us augment it to leave the future generations a solid understanding of their roots and be proud of their Romanian ancestry.

The Historical Frieze of the Romanian Nation, in Cleveland
By Fr. Remus Grama

It is often said that St. Mary’s Romanian Orthodox Cathedral is the most prominent Cultural Center among the Romanian parishes in America. Fact is that this oldest parish in the USA has been blessed to be the repository of unique cultural treasures, today displayed partially under the aegis of the Romanian Ethnic Art Museum and partially by the parish. For this and many other reasons, a visit to St. Mary’s Cathedral offers an extraordinary opportunity to learn about Romania’s soul and her rich and unforgettable history. In fact, the very “raison d’etre” of this presentation is to make known and stimulate clergy, teachers and parents to inculcate in the hearts of their children a deeper knowledge and a greater love for their ancestors great past.

Thousands of visitors come to St. Mary’s year round. Some of them are pilgrims, who come for the religious services; others come occasionally to weddings or other similar events and many come by the busloads to visit this oasis of Romanian culture located at the gateway of Lake Erie. Many scholars and students, U.S. ambassadors to Romania, friends of the Romanian people and visitors from Romanian came through the doors of this church from its inception to our days. They are always impressed with the modern “Maramures style” church, designed by architect Haralamb Georgescu, and then executed by American Romanian architect Nick Tekushan, in 1960. Its high steeple dominates Cleveland’s West Park. Even more, they leave this spiritual and cultural center enriched by the beautiful icons, mosaics, paintings, sculptures, photo displays and the exquisite display of ethnic costumes they see.

A Centennial Garden will be completed in honor of this event later this year along with other cultural events. Among them, we list the Exhibition of the Romanian Ethnic Art Museum at Beck Art Center in Lakewood and the unveiling of the statue of George Pomutz, a Romanian General of the Civil War (1862-65). The members of the parish are enthusiastically undertaking a project of $300,000 for repairs and development.

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