Parish Council
Ladies Auxiliary
St. Mary Society
George Enescu Choir
Church School
Parents Club
Parish Council 2008
Parish Organization
President: Nick Muntean
V. President: Vasile Peicu
V. President: Bogdan Biliboaca
Recording Secretary: John Hategan
Corresponding Secretary: Missy Neumann
Treasurer: Rebecca McLaughlin
Auditors: David Salanty, Maria Peicu, Mike Ross
Trustees: Gus Secue, Joe Muresan, Al Haak, George Ittu Jr., Richard Silver, Vasile Abrudan
Council Members: Jean Dobrea, Simona Davis, Lucian Fogoros, Yvette Ittu, Judy Khoury, Ionel Satnoianu, Florin Bica
Ex-Officio Membres: V. Rev. Fr. Remus Grama, Parish Priest and Rev. Fr. Nick Neagoe, Deacon
Pauline Trutza, Immediate Past President
George Cantor, Congress Delegate
Ovidiu Vatamanu, Congress Delegate
Florica Cotrau, Ladies Auxiliary President
Richard Stefanescu, AROY President
President: Florica Cotrau
The purpose of St. Mary's Ladies Auxiliary is to further the interest of the parish and promote unity, cooperation and fellowship.
We prepare the church dinners and when called upon, assist in various events throughout the year.
We also help any family with the memorial meals.
Our annual dues are $15.00.
Our National Organization is ARFORA.
AmericanRomania Orthodox Youth ( A.R.O.Y)
President: Richard Stefanescu
Youth Director:Emmanuel Cristian Frunzulica
AROY is the organization for our young people "Dedicated to Orthodoxy through Faith, Knowledge and Good Works." The local AROY chapter is a part of the larger natioanl AROY of The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America.
President: Nick Avramaut
St. Mary’s Society meets periodically for purposes of fellowship and good works. The Society always looks for new members and welcomes them enthusiastically.
Among the most remarkable aspects of this group is the charity work, assistance to seminarians, other good causes, and last,but not least, the “Pofta Buna” Cookbook, now in its 12th edition.
Interim Choir Director: Betty Catana
Our Choir is proud to have the written permission
of the world known composer to bear his name. We welcome the faithful who wish to dedicate their God given talent to liturgical singing.
The choir often sings at weddings when requested for a $150.00 donation. Members of the choir are exempt. Call the parish office in advance for arrangements.
Sing to the Lord a new song!
President: Ovidiu Lucian Vatamanu
The Church School offers religious education to all parish students, age 3 ½ - 18. The educational program includes the Divine Liturgy, 9:30 A.M. All children are expected to participate in the Liturgy, together with their parents. Immediately after thereception of Holy Communion, all students quietly leave the church together with their teachers and proceed to their classroom.
Our teachers are recruited from the ranks of our devoted parents, who are then trained by the parish priest as well as in special Seminars and Workshops for this purpose. Classes are taught in English. Bi-lingual teachers are available to assist those whodo not understand the English language. All parents are invited to bring their children on time and to spread the word about ourprogram.
Our students present two cultural/spiritual programs a year, before Christmas and Mother’s Day. Besides this, we organize field trips, pilgrimages and other fun filled activities intended tofoster sound Orthodox Christian fellowship and life-lasting friendships.
Since we share the belief that religious education begins in the family, all parents should be members of the Parents Club. We provide financial and volunteer support to our Church School,and assist Father in any need concerning our children's religious education. We also enjoy our fellowship and invite you to be a part of our club.
"Golden Agers" - senior citizens
Every month our church hosts the meeting of the Golden Agers, n organization meant to provide support and fellowship for retireesof Romanian background. Members come from all Romanian churches
in the Cleveland metropolitan area. All meetings are at 12:00Noon on the 3rd Thursday. Lunch provided. Dues: $10.00 per year.
3256 Warren Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44111
A parish of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America
Copyright 2025 © St. Mary's Romanian Orthodox Cathedral